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JBoss-esb 4.11 "bpm5processor" sample on JBoss AS 6.1 with gwt-console-server 5.2.0
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created by <a href="https://community.jboss.org/people/fischsalat">fischsalat</a> in <i>jBPM</i> - <a href="https://community.jboss.org/message/777391#777391">View the full discussion</a>
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<div class="jive-rendered-content"><p>Hi folks,</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p>I'm trying to set up the JBoss-esb 4.11 "bpm5processor" sample on a JBoss 6.1 AS.</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p>As an orientation i followed this great work-around to understand the jBPM installing procedure with JBoss AS 5.1:</p><p><a class="" href="https://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-18580">https://community.jboss.org/wiki/InstallingJBPM53OnJBossAS51AndChangingDB</a></p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p>So i tried to adapt this work-around on a JBoss AS 6.1.</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p>-------------------------------------------</p><p><span style="color: #333333; text-decoration: underline;">My configuration:</span></p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p>ubuntu 12.04</p><p>java version 1.6.0_24</p><p>JBoss 6.1.0. Final</p><p>Jboss-esb 4.11</p><p>jBPM 5.2.0 Final full installer</p><p>Maven 3.0.4</p><p>eclipse indigo 3.7</p><p>------------------------------------------ </p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p>As the "bpm5processor" sample readme.txt says, i'm using the jbpm 5.2.0 Final installer. Via this installer, i did some configurations and installed it successfully without eclipse helios or JBoss AS 7.</p><p>With the jBPM ant build script i'm setting up the Mina human task server and get access to his port on 9123.</p><p>The JBoss AS 6.1 with his jboss-esb 4.11 starts externally. </p><p>With eclipse indigo i have imported the „bpm5processor“ sample, build a esb-project with Maven 3.0.4 and deployed the .esb on the JBoss AS 6.1.</p><p>As far, everything seems to be fine and the class „org.jboss.soa.esb.services.jbpm5.actions.Bpm5Processor“, which i call inside the esb.xml is working correctly on JBoss AS 6.1. So i am able to process my jBPM5-models on a JBoss AS 6.1.</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p>But i want more visual feedback or informations about my deployed jBPM-Processes except some "System.out.println("");" <span> ;) </span></p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p>I'm able to deploy the jBPM gwt-console 5.2, but if i try to do the same with the jBPM 5.2 gwt-console-server, i get a lot of error messages on server's start up.</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p>I tried to fix this errors, so i followed this Thread about the persistance issue: </p><p><a class="" href="https://community.jboss.org/message/739278#739278">https://community.jboss.org/message/739278</a></p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p>I also tried the „hard way“ and deleted some lib-files, like it is discussed here:</p><p><a class="jive-link-thread-small" href="https://community.jboss.org/thread/162491">https://community.jboss.org/thread/162491</a></p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p>But it doesn't help at all.</p><p>Is it possible, that i have to isolate some classloaders inside the gwt-console-server's jboss-web.xml?</p><p>Does somebody have any experience with deploying the jbpm 5.2.0 gwt-console-server? Or got any ideas how i could deploy the gwt-console-server?</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p>Here is the error stack in short, which i get when i try to start the AS6 server.</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p style="padding-left: 30px;"><span style="font-size: 8pt;"><em>ERROR [[/gwt-console-server]] Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.server.servlet.ResteasyBootstrap: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate MessageBodyReader</em></span></p><p style="padding-left: 30px;">  </p><p style="padding-left: 30px;"><span style="font-size: 8pt;"><em> ERROR [[/gwt-console-server]] Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.jboss.web.jsf.integration.config.JBossMojarra20ConfigureListener: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl cannot be cast to javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory</em></span></p><p style="padding-left: 30px;">  </p><p style="padding-left: 30px;"><span style="font-size: 8pt;"><em>ERROR [StandardContext] Error listenerStart</em></span></p><p style="padding-left: 30px;"><span style="font-size: 8pt;"><em> ERROR [StandardContext] Context [/gwt-console-server] startup failed due to previous errors</em></span></p><p style="padding-left: 30px;"><span style="font-size: 8pt;"><em> ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Start: name=jboss.web.deployment:war=/gwt-console-server state=Create mode=Manual requiredState=Installed: org.jboss.deployers.spi.DeploymentException: URL file:/home/fischsalat/dev/jboss-6.1.0.Final/server/node1/tmp/vfs/automounta1456e8d80cc4705/jbpm-gwt-console-server-5.2.0.Final.war-93b218be814f9bad/ deployment failed</em></span></p><p style="padding-left: 30px;">  </p><p style="padding-left: 30px;"><span style="font-size: 8pt;"><em>ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Real: name=vfs:///home/fischsalat/dev/jboss-6.1.0.Final/server/node1/deploy/jbpm-gwt-console-server-5.2.0.Final.war state=PreReal mode=Manual requiredState=Real: org.jboss.deployers.spi.DeploymentException: URL file:/home/fischsalat/dev/jboss-6.1.0.Final/server/node1/tmp/vfs/automounta1456e8d80cc4705/jbpm-gwt-console-server-5.2.0.Final.war-93b218be814f9bad/ deployment failed</em></span></p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p><span style="color: #000000;">I would appreciate any help or ideas.</span></p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p>Regards,</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p>Eybe</p></div>
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