[jbosscache-dev] 2.0.0 ALPHA and release sched

Manik Surtani manik at jboss.org
Tue Nov 14 13:17:55 EST 2006


I hope to tag 2.0.0.ALPHA on Thu evening EST.

Could we make sure that all non-alpha changes do not go into HEAD  
between now and then?

Vlad, I believe you still need to check in your FLUSH and state  
transfer stuff.  Brian, is there anything specific that you've still  
got to do?

Ben, if there is anything specific on CC that is failing wrt.  
PojoCache, could you look into these?

I will focus on the current breakage (due to my merging the eviction  
Region/RegionManagers with the generic Region/RegionManager  
constructs), I should have these finished by tomorrow though and can  
focus on any other breakages.

The plan is that once we have this basic functionality in place, I  
can tag the alpha, push it through the release process and put it  
into the AS5 beta1 build.

After that we can look at stabilising for a JBC beta1 by mid-Dec,  
performance tuning and refactoring for a beta2, and then however many  
CRs it takes to release 2.0.0 after that by Q1'07.

Manik Surtani

Lead, JBoss Cache
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

Email: manik at jboss.org
Telephone: +44 7786 702 706
MSN: manik at surtani.org
Yahoo/AIM/Skype: maniksurtani

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