[jbosside-dev] FW: Memory leak in DroolsIDE

Marshall Culpepper marshall.culpepper at jboss.com
Mon Aug 14 20:41:52 EDT 2006

FYI Rob Stryker (our JBossAS adapter lead) has found a memory leak in the
DroolsIDE code:

On 8/14/06, Robert Stryker <rob.stryker at jboss.com> wrote:
> Hey Marshall:
>   Please forward this over to the rules guy. I found a memory leak in his
> code.
> The class RuleHelperActionDelegate ( svn<http://anonsvn.labs.jboss.com/labs/jbossrules/trunk/drools-ide/src/main/java/org/drools/ide/menu/RuleHelperActionDelegate.java>)
> has a memory leak. Specifically:
> the Delegate itself is responsible for deleting any and all created Menu
> widgets. In the current implementation, the getMenu(Control) method is as
> follows:
>        Menu menu = new Menu( parent );
>         final Shell shell = parent.getShell();
>         addProjectWizard( menu, shell );
>         addRuleWizard( menu,shell );
>         addDSLWizard( menu, shell );
>         addDTWizard( menu,shell );
>         return menu;
> Clearly, new menu widgets are created each time and are never disposed of.
> A correct implementation of this interface is available at
> org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.internal.webbrowser.SwitchBrowserWorkbenchAction. Specifically, the getMenu(Control) method should first dispose of the last
> menu, then create the new ones.
>     public Menu getMenu(Control parent) {
>         setMenu(new Menu(parent));
>         //fillMenu(fMenu);
>         initMenu();
>         return fMenu;
>     }
>     private void setMenu(Menu menu) {
>         if (fMenu != null) {
>             fMenu.dispose();
>         }
>         fMenu = menu;
>     }
> So... ... ... he needs to destroy his menus before creating new ones =]

Marshall Culpepper
marshall.culpepper at jboss.com
JBoss Eclipse IDE Lead, JBoss Inc.
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