[jbosside-dev] Re: About feature.xml and bundling plugins (WAS: jBPM Designer feature.xml needs to be updated)

Max Rydahl Andersen max.andersen at jboss.com
Fri Sep 29 08:16:48 EDT 2006

Hi guys,

I had a chat with Koen today about to get to the bottom of this fine  

To make the long story short here is what will be done short term:

1) Koen will make a feature.xml with import instead of plugin references  
so JBossIDE 2 beta2 can get out.

2) Koen will also work on a solution for Jbpm's starterkit which depends  
on having a feature.xml that will let include the plugins.
(One suggestion was that they would have two feature.xml's one for the 'no  
dependencies' feature.xml and another 'starterkit' feature.xml that refers  
to the 'no dependencies' feature.xml)

There probably will/can be issues in this aspect but the faster we get  
this going (e.g. have the jboss ide build actually running with the files  
Koen fixes today) the faster we can move forward - I assume this will  
mostly affect Koen and Marshall so please speak up guys if you need help  
with solving/fixing some of this.

Koen, please correct me if my description of the short-term conclusion is  
wrong ;)

Longer term we will have to figure how jbpm's IDE parts fits into the  
overall picture of JBossIDE build system; but that will
be another mail/discussion when we get over the bumps of releasing  
jbosside 2 and jbpm 3.something :)

p.s. a side conclusion is that feature's in Eclipse is broken and that we  
a beer drinking contest in Berlin to get to a final settlement of how to  
fix it ;)


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