[jbosstools-dev] Re: AOP for JBoss Tools

Marshall Culpepper marshall.culpepper at redhat.com
Fri May 4 16:07:07 EDT 2007


The documentation can still be found on our docs page here:

You can ask any questions you might have in our #jbosstools channel on 
freenode, either Rob or I should be there if you need some help =). 
AFAIK, the AOP plugins work in Eclipse 3.2, but I'm not sure if they've 
been tested.

Tobias Frech wrote:
> Hi Marshall,
> ok, I'd like to at least try that. Depends a bit on if I can spend some
> project time on this or not. But let's try it.
> To whom could I turn to, to ask some basic questions like: What's those
> generated AOP stuff supposed to do? Why is it generated? Up to which
> Eclipse version the plugin has been maintain? Is there some
> documentation about the features that should alreasy work? And so on ...
> Tobias
> Marshall Culpepper schrieb:
>> Hi Tobias..
>> The AOP plugin has been deprecated/abandoned as we don't have any
>> resources to maintain it and the  user base is extremely small (we might
>> get one question about per 6 months). If you are willing to make
>> contributions to bring it back to life, we'd be happy to resurrect it
>> and start releasing it as a part of JBossTools
>> Tobias Frech wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I talked with Max on the #jbosstools IRC channel @ freenode.org. I am
>>> trying to build a current JBoss Tools IDE and would like to know what
>>> the status of the AOP plugins are.
>>> I ran into some problems with xjc and couldn't get them to compile
>>> properly. Should the version from SVN work currently?
>>> Can I help somehow to get that stuff working?
>>> If I could get it to work we have someone in our project that likely
>>> would do some alpha testing of it.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Tobias Frech

Marshall Culpepper
Redhat Dev Studio, JBoss Tools
email: marshall at jboss.org
skype: marshall.culpepper 

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