[jbosstools-dev] [Fwd: [jbosstools-commits] JBoss Tools SVN: r3757 - in trunk/hibernatetools/plugins/org.jboss.tools.hibernate.ui.view: src/org/jboss/tools/hibernate/ui/view/views and 1 other directory.]

mdryahlenkov at exadel.com mdryahlenkov at exadel.com
Mon Sep 24 11:32:49 EDT 2007

Hi Michael,

Great that you are trying to fix JBIDE-611.

Got some comments on that:

1)  Any way that this could be done in the hibernate tools plugin  instead
of the unrelated diagram plugin ? (I don't see you are using any
  new plugins for this so should be in the core of hibernate tools imo)

Yes, hibernate tools core is better place for that code but I thougth I
can't change this plugin. If I can't use the original code of core how I
can do it? Should I ask you to make some changes or can I do it myself?

2) Please don't use bogus id's in our plugin.xml like: com.xyz.runXYZ,  it
should be something stable and resembling the other id's.


3) This code looks like it is assuming everything are done in mapping 
files and with a cfg.xml file; is that correct ?  What  about annotated 

I remember comment in jira about it. I work with this point now.

4) you have copied a large chunk of code from hibernate tools plugin to 
locate the default project; why don't you use the existing code for that ?

You speak about code

			ILaunchManager launchManager =
			ILaunchConfigurationType launchConfigurationType =
"org.hibernate.eclipse.launch.ConsoleConfigurationLaunchConfigurationType" );
			ILaunchConfiguration[] launchConfigurations;
			try {
				launchConfigurations = launchManager.getLaunchConfigurations(
launchConfigurationType );
				for (int i = 0; i < launchConfigurations.length; i++) { // can't
believe there is no look up by name API
					ILaunchConfiguration launchConfiguration = launchConfigurations[i];
if(launchConfiguration.getName().equals(consoleConfiguration.getName())) {
						proj =
			} catch (CoreException e1) {
				ViewPlugin.getDefault().logError("Can't find java project.", e1);

in OpenMappingActionDelegate class. Is that correct?


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