[jbosstools-dev] Re: [Fwd: Build failed in Hudson: JBossTools #382]

Dmitry Geraskov dgeraskov at exadel.com
Fri Jan 11 02:58:12 EST 2008

Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

>>I've found that 2 hibernate plugins (org.hibernate.eclipse.console and
>>org.hibernate.eclipse.mapper) compiled with jdk 1.4 level and others
>>with level 1.5.
>>Can I change their compilation level to 1.5?
>No; we don't use jdk 5 on the hibernate plugins just yet. Is it needed?
No, but after Denises letter I decided completely synchronize with svn 
and foud that I used SringBuilder (from jdk 1.5 ) in 
OpenSource/MappingActions but jdk level in svn is 1.4.
Why we haven't compilation error there?
I'll change StringBuilder to StringBuffer.

Best regards,

 Dmitry Geraskov              
 dgeraskov at exadel.com
 Senior Developer
 Exadel Inc

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