[jbosstools-dev] Getting 3.3.0.M2 ready for June/AS 7 launch

Max Rydahl Andersen max.andersen at redhat.com
Fri May 27 05:41:46 EDT 2011


AS 7 Final is planned to be done end of June, and so is Eclipse Indigo (3.7) meaning
getting a 3.3.0.M2 out in the planned timeframe - we had set 3.3.0.M2  currently planned to be released on 22nd 
(same day as AS 7 and Eclipse 3.7 is going out)

Currently Jira has 148 issues open for this release - and almost none on the future releases.

I'm sure you don't all expect to do all 148 issues for M2 and then do nothing for M3, Beta1, Beta2 and CR1.
Could you *please* go over your assigned and component issues and state which ones you are going
to do for M2 and which you are moving of to later ?

That would make it possible to actually see what needs to be done for the release much easier for everyone.

When you do this please remember that 3.3.0.M2 has the primary goals of:

* Running on Eclipse 3.7 final release (i.e. the maven/m2e is currently broken)
* Work with AS 7 (start/stop/debug/run/deploy)
* Not suck

Thus if you are about to do major rework of some components and don't feel you can have it ready in 
a not-suck state please do your work in a branch and merge it back to trunk *after* M2.

And those issues that does that are perfect candidates to have their jira fix version updated to M3.

Thank you!

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