[jbosstools-dev] CODE FREEZE IN EFFECT for JBT 3.2.x and JBDS 4.0.x

Nick Boldt nboldt at redhat.com
Mon May 30 17:50:55 EDT 2011

Maintenance branch code freeze will remain in effect until we get a 
build available for 3.2.1.CR1 / 4.1.0.CR1 for QE - hopefully no more 
than a couple days.

Trunk remains open for 3.3.0.M2 / 5.0.0.M2 development, using the new 
Indigo RC2/RC3 target platform. Code freeze should be mid-June in prep 
for M2 QE & release.

Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio

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