[jbosstools-dev] JBT/AS Server info

Rob Stryker rstryker at redhat.com
Mon Aug 6 00:57:53 EDT 2012

Hey Barry:

You'll probably really want to investigate using JBossTools if you want 
some ready-made APIs to really help send management commands.  Also, 
discovering the management port will require you either parsing xml 
yourself or accessing some string constants in our server.

Let's start with host.  All IServer objects in WTP can get the host 
simply by server.getHost(), so that's easy.

For getting the management port, there are a few ways to do it. The 
first is with raw xml, searching the proper file. The xpath you'll need 
and file data is:

as7.0 xpath: 
as7.1 xpath: 
xpath attribute:  port
file to search:  standalone/configuration/${jboss_config_file} (probably 

Obviously here the xpaths differ based on jboss version. AS7.0 has one 
xpath. AS7.1 has a different.  However, none of these allow the 
'overrides' available in the UI.  In the JBossTools UI, you can 
double-click the server to see the editor. There's a port section there, 
and there's the opportunity to ignore the xml value and override it via 
UI.  So if the default xpath has 9999 but somehow you're using more 
complicated features in the standalone.xml such that the actual value is 
9998, you'll need to override this in the UI.

So how to get this value that respects the user's UI choices? Well, two 
ways. One is by using hard-coded strings (if you want to avoid 
dependency on jbosstools).  The code for that would look like this:

public static final String AS7_MANAGEMENT_PORT_DETECT= 

public static final String AS7_MANAGEMENT_PORT = 
"org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.core.server.as7.managementPort"; //$NON-NLS-1$

         boolean detect = getAttribute(detectKey, true);
         String result = null;
         if( !detect ) {
             result = getAttribute(attributeKey, (String)null);
         } else {
              // Load it from the xml xpaths listed above

This is if you're trying to avoid any dependencies on jbosstools of 
course. If you don't mind having dependencies on jbosstools, the best 
way to get this port is as follows:

      JBoss7Server jb7 = server.loadAdapter(JBoss7Server.class, null);
      if( jb7 != null ) {
             return jb7.getManagementPort();

So what other benefits can JBT provide other than just helping to find 
the port? Well, we can also run your remote commands for you. JBoss7 
servers have a remote management service registered in eclipse, which 
can run your remote commands and return the results.

The first is our management service. The service interface is 
IJBoss7ManagerService.  You can see a lot of methods there for deploying 
or stopping a server. But there's also a method to run arbitrary 
commands:  public String execute(IAS7ManagementDetails details, String 
request) throws Exception;

The way to access this service is via the following command: 

This API ensures that if for example the protocol changes slightly 
(either intentionally or as a bug) between as7.1 and as7.2 / as8.0,  the 
proper service is returned for the proper AS version. Using these APIs 
ensure that all the management jars are of the proper version, talking 
to the proper remote version. It's possible to do all of this on your 
own, but I'm pretty sure you'll find it a LOT more trouble and you'll 
simply be replicating our work.

And worse yet, how you intend to get the jboss-as jars on the classpath 
is a point of interest. We currently will be bundling the management 
jars for each version (or more specifically for any set of jars that 
cannot talk to each other. We also work hard to ensure that regressions 
upstream (ie a new version unable to talk to older ones) is fixed 
promptly).   If you intend to bundle these jars, it'll be inflating the 
size of your product substantially. And you'll most likely be 
re-engineering our solution for separation of version jars.

So we've already discussed how to get the port via xml, and how to get a 
port that respects user settings. We've discussed how to get the 
management service regardless of app-server version. From there, running 
the default commands is simple. For example:


So the last thing that remains is how to run an arbitrary command. Due 
to classpath and classloading concerns, we can't have the management 
service api and interfaces include references to jboss-as jars or 
classes like ModelNode, so the method for executing arbitrary commands is:

JBoss7ManagerUtil.getService(iserverObject).execute(IAS7ManagementDetails details, 
String request) throws Exception;

The "String request" is a JBoss-dmr string. And to generate that string, 
we have yet another plugin called org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.dmr.  By 
depending on this plugin you can write code as follows:

         ModelNode request = new ModelNode();
         String requestString = request.toJSONString(true);
         String resultString = 
AS7ManagementDetails(iserverObject), requestString);
         ModelNode resultNode = ModelNode.fromJSONString(resultString);

Another way to do this is via the following:

     protected ModelNode executeWithResult(final IServer server, final 
String request) throws Exception {
         String resultJSON = JBoss7ManagerUtil.executeWithService(new 
JBoss7ManagerUtil.IServiceAware<String>() {
             public String execute(IJBoss7ManagerService service) throws 
Exception {
                 return service.execute(new 
AS7ManagementDetails(server), request);
         }, server);
         ModelNode result = ModelNode.fromJSONString(resultJSON);
         return result;

Hopefully this gives you a good starting point to discovering ports and 
running management commands against AS7, as well as what concerns there 
are.  I'm sure Max or the build team can assist / advise if you start 
addign dependencies on jbt plugins.

Good luck!!

- Rob

On 08/03/2012 10:19 PM, Barry Lafond wrote:
> Rob,
> Over here in SOA-land the Teiid server//runtime team has changed their 
> integration in AS to adapt to the AS 7 changes.
> One change in particular, dropping Teiid's custom PORT number, has 
> required Teiid Designer to programmatically discover the JBoss 
> Management HOST/PORT info.
> Currently my code-base does not depend on JBT code of any kind except 
> for our swt.bot tests.  I've looked at the structure of your 
> contributions to WTP's ServerTools framework, so I understand that at 
> a high level.
> Can you point me in the right direction? maybe another project that 
> already does this?
> Thx
> BarryLaFond
> Teiid Designer Project

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