[jbosstools-dev] Maven Tools : What's next?

Max Rydahl Andersen max.andersen at redhat.com
Tue Aug 28 10:12:28 EDT 2012

Won't migration from "sonatype" m2e-wtp to Eclipse.org m2e-wtp require more than just changing the pluginids ?

On 28 Aug 2012, at 12:40, Fred Bricon <fbricon at redhat.com> wrote:

> After Alexey's post on the future of CDI tooling in JBT 4.X/JBDS 6.X, 
> here's my take on the major changes happening in our Maven tooling in JBT :
> 1/ Although not fully Maven related : rework the JBoss Central 
> Experience wrt our Maven archetypes : we'll provide the ability to 
> better handle archetype/runtime compatibility, add the possibility to 
> generate "blank" projects. All that should be made possible thanks to 
> the JBoss Developper Framework Stacks initiative 
> (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12472). Ideally the Stacks 
> approach should be extended to all our project examples.
> 2/ Provide the best Eclipse to Maven Conversion experience possible.
>  We'll release a first iteration of a Classpath Dependency -> Maven 
> Dependency conversion in M1 https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-8973
> But this will need to be improved : support conversion of component 
> dependencies (from EAR projects), ability to convert jars (or a 
> selection of jars) from a right click
> Automatically add remote repositories for identified dependencies which 
> needs it.
> 3/Move the JAX-RS, JSF, JPA Maven configurators out of JBT and into 
> m2e-wtp. It makes sense as nothing here depends on any JBoss 
> technologies. Other m2e-wtp adopters requested it and Max agreed to it. 
> This would happen for the Juno SR2 release.
> 4/Ideally, I'd spend more time on m2e itself to fix a number of 
> usability issues, like being able for a user to manually set the 
> error/warning levels, properly handle workspace dependencies with 
> classifiers.  Same thing goes for m2e-wtp : work on adding support for 
> stuff like ejb-client
> 5/ Fix bugs and polish what we already have. Maybe use a profiler to see 
> what we do wrong in our code.
> These are the thing I personally think should be dealt with in priority 
> (even if other enhancement requests exist in JIRA), now if you'd really 
> like to see something else fixed/added in JBT 4/JBDS 6, please speak up.
> Regards,
> Fred Bricon
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