[jbosstools-dev] jbosstools-3.3_trunk.aggregate - Build # 4170 - Still Failing!

Denis Golovin dgolovin at exadel.com
Fri Feb 10 20:58:12 EST 2012

On 02/10/2012 03:22 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> >  I was trying to take care of emma coverage report generation problem for common component build and found that for running tests it uses org.jboss.tools.common-3.3.0.M3.jar:)
> why did that happen ?

It happens because instead of using minimal set of repositories to build 
component common component build uses several different ones: remote 
target platform update site, local target platform update site, remote 
composite nightly update site for component's nightly build and local 
composite for component's nightly builds and etc. I suspect one of these 
update sites contains 3.3.0.M3 that for some reason is being picked up.

Emma generates  meta for locally built classes and then tries merge it 
with session info but cannot because at test execution time different 
version of classes used from M3 version. After I left only two repos for 
common build (TP and tests nightly update site) problem went away.

> the birt one is a second/different problem right ?
it is different and the same at the same time :)

first BIRT cannot be compiled if only required repositories are involved 
in build: Target platform, tests and hibernate tools. It means something 
is missing in latest target platform.
when several not required p2 repos included like local hudson target 
platform repo and local composite nightly update site, it is built 
without any problems.

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