[jbosstools-dev] Maven WTP Integration

Rob Cernich rcernich at redhat.com
Sat Jan 7 17:17:39 EST 2012

Hey all,

I just finished adding some basic WTP support for SwitchYard and had a couple of questions regarding WTP and Maven integration.  The SwitchYard facet can be added to any JEE type (although it is not currently constrained in this fashion).  If the project is not already a JEE type project, the Utility Module facet is added.  This effectively allows SY applications to be deployed to any JEE server.

Some of the issues:
Adding the Utility Module facet causes the module nature to be added, which always creates a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file within the project.  Is there a way to disable this behavior for Maven projects (e.g. where Maven may be generating the manifest)?

Maven project configurators run in the order they appear in the lifecycle processing.  There is a Utility Module configurator that configures projects containing the Utility Module facet.  However, this is executed during the compile phase and the SY configurator, which adds the Utility Module facet, runs during the process-classes phase.  Because of this, the "deployables" are not configured correctly on the project (i.e. the test sources and resources are included).  The current workaround is to run Maven->Update Project Configuration after the project is created or imported.  Is there a way to fix this?  (FYI, this is not a problem if the project is based on another JEE technology, e.g. WAR, EJB, etc.)

When running the new faceted project wizard and including the Maven facet, it would be nice if the other facets' configurations were defaulted appropriately (e.g. Java source and output folders, web resources, etc.).  Is there a way to provide more useful defaults?

Sorry for the barrage of questions.

Thanks in advance,

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