[jbosstools-dev] Welcome Screen and 3rd party extras...

Victor Rubezhny vrubezhny at exadel.com
Fri Mar 30 14:06:36 EDT 2012

Snjeza, Denis.

It seems that some of your fixes have disabled Welcome Screen Editor to 
be shown instead of Welcome Screen Intro, and as such fixed issue 
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBDS-1983 (JBDS Welcome screen should 
accept contributions from 3rd party extras like JRebel, Spring, 
FindBugs, PMD).

Could you verify, that it's true, and JBDS-1983 is really fixed?

We (me and Nick) have verified it on linux x64 using JBDS 5.0.0.beta1 as 
well as 5.0.0.beta2, it seems that JBDS-1983 is not reproducible for us.

Best Regards,

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