[jbosstools-dev] PLEASE READ :: Code freeze for Beta2 was for today, postponed to Tuesday Nov 6 @ ~4pm CEST

Nick Boldt nboldt at redhat.com
Fri Nov 2 12:21:52 EDT 2012

The plan was to do a code freeze for Beta2 today, but due to:

a) #Sandy, which caused
b) server outages, which caused
c) QE delays, plus
d) broken bodies,
e) unexpected PTO and stat holidays this week,
f) tons of untriaged issues for CR1/Beta1 to be allocated to Beta2,
g) the creation of a Beta2 in place of our next milestone being CR1,
h) adoption of a new process around branching & PRs in GitHub, and
i) the fact that while some people knew it was coming, I totally forgot 
to remind everyone else that the freeze/branch was today...

Max and I have decided we'll freeze/branch *on Tuesday, Nov 6*, probably 
close to Europe's end of day (EOD) at or around 4pm CEST.

Bottom line: you now have *two more days* (plus this weekend) to get 
your Beta2 stuff done before the upcoming freeze.

Len, this will most likely delay the end of the QE cycle by a couple 
days, so we'll be looking at these dates:

11/06/12 Code Freeze Beta2
11/07/12 QE Start
11/15/12 QE End if possible (or slip up to 2 days)
11/16/12 Beta2 Avail EA if possible (or slip up to 2 days)

Then, if possible, here's the end of the schedule:

11/16/12 Code Freeze CR1
11/19/12 QE Start
11/23/12 US Thanksgiving
11/29/12 QE End
11/30/12 CR1 Avail EA
12/01/12 Quiet Period (for CRx respins if needed)
12/05/12 GA/Final

Any questions, please ask.

Have a good weekend!

Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio

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