[jbosstools-dev] [gitmigration] big file status

Max Rydahl Andersen max.andersen at redhat.com
Tue Oct 2 18:44:08 EDT 2012

I think I've found the biggest sinners of bad commits/files.

I've used the following checks:

Find top 10 big files:  git verify-pack -v .git/objects/pack/pack-*.idx | grep blob | sort -k3nr | head | while read s x b x; do git rev-list --all --objects | grep $s | awk '{print "'"$b"'",$0;}'; done
Check for /target/ commits: git log --name-status | grep "/target/" 

(and while typing this I realized I should go check for *.class commits too..)

Below is the current sizes for the resulting repos for those curious.

249M	jbosstools-base            Mainly all the jars from projecttemplates.
9.6M	jbosstools-birt            images for docs
 23M	jbosstools-bpel            nothing special (except 300k large java file from BPEL package ;) 
1.2M	jbosstools-build           nothing special 
2.6M	jbosstools-build-continous nothing special - only weird part is large log files like util/checkSVNArtifactVersions.sh_changesInM1_sinceJBT3.1.0.txt
1.8M	jbosstools-build-sites     nothing special      
 19M	jbosstools-central         jars and doc images
 38M	jbosstools-deltacloud      jars and docs
201M	jbosstools-documentation   docs/images
 43M	jbosstools-forge           jars from older versions
4.2M	jbosstools-freemarker      freemarker jars and old screenhots
 11M	jbosstools-gwt             sample-hello-webContent.zip (expected)           
355M	jbosstools-hibernate       doc.zip + hibernate jar updates
515M	jbosstools-javaee          doc.zip + test jars + doc builds resources.
 48M	jbosstools-jbpm            docs build resources
 38M	jbosstools-jst             test jars
204K	jbosstools-maven-plugins   fine
 48M	jbosstools-portlet         jbds-compatilibity.zip + jsfportlet jars + accidental docs/target commits.
464K	jbosstools-runtime-soa     fine
123M	jbosstools-server          *tons* of target folder commits.(removed)
 70M	jbosstools-vpe             contrib/org.mozilla.xulrunner.gtk.linux.x86_64_1.8.1.4-20080112.jar (removed) + org.jboss.tools.vpe.mozilla..*dll/so/jars (expected?)
 43M	jbosstools-webservices     cpd-report.txt  + test jars.
299M	jbosstools-xulrunner       libxul.so etc. (expected?)


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