[jbosstools-dev] Access Rules Proof of Concept

Rob Stryker rstryker at redhat.com
Thu Oct 11 06:15:06 EDT 2012

The attached screenshot is from the jboss-7 claspath container we 
provide when a project targets the jboss-7 server / runtime type.

We only actually list about 40 jars or so, but i thought it'd make a 
good example for what's recognized and what's not.

Attached is the answer to your question. There are jars not recognized. 
Most are jandex jars (?).  Others are not recognized because they have 
no maven GAV.

- Rob

On 10/11/2012 02:51 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> I've mostly finished the proof of concept for adding access rules against jars anywhere in a project's classpath that match jboss jars. The source can be found here: https://github.com/robstryker/JBossClasspathAccessRules
> cool.
>> There's also a video there demonstrating its use:
>> https://github.com/robstryker/JBossClasspathAccessRules/blob/master/demo.ogv
> On the right side the AS7.1 container is still listed - why is that ? Is there stuff in there we don't recognise ?

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