[jbosstools-dev] Red Builds, Yellow Builds & Test Failures (getting ready for Code Freeze TOMORROW)

Snjezana Peco snjezana.peco at redhat.com
Sat Apr 6 09:31:10 EDT 2013

On 4/6/2013 4:12 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 05, 2013 at 10:08:03PM +0200, Snjezana Peco wrote:
>> A test doesn't have to be an UI test to open the
>> UsageReportEnablementDialog dialog.
>> The dialog is created using the startup extension point. That's why the
>> usage plugin will always try to open this dialog.
>> The issue can't be reproduced on Windows. It can always be reproduced on
>> Linux when using Kepler M6. Not sure for Mac.
>> The issue isn't caused by changes in usage/JBT, but in Kepler M6.
> hmm - what is that change ?
> Is it affecting how startup extension points are run or how tests are 
> run together ?
> Seems like a subtle surprising change ...curious what it is and if it 
> was intended to happen.
> Any idea ?

The way the E4 UISynchronizer runs UI messages seems to be changed.

The usage tests run in the following way:

- the usage_reporting_enabled property is set to false in the parent pom
- Eclipse starts the usage extension point that triggers opening the 
dialog asynchronously
- Eclipse runs tests that set the usage_reporting_enabled property to true

Eclipse < Kepler M6 works as follows:

- the usage_reporting_enabled property is set to false in the parent pom
- Eclipse starts the usage extension point that triggers opening the 
dialog asynchronously
- Eclipse tries to open the dialog; since usage_reporting_enabled=false, 
the dialog isn't open
- Eclipse runs tests that set the usage_reporting_enabled property to true

Kepler M6 on Linux works in the following way:

- the usage_reporting_enabled property is set to false in the parent pom
- Eclipse starts the usage extension point that triggers opening the 
dialog asynchronously
- Eclipse runs tests that set the usage_reporting_enabled property to true
- Eclipse tries to open the dialog; since usage_reporting_enabled=true, 
the dialog is open

There are no more Eclipse instances when running a test plugin.
Also, it is not important if a test is an UI test or not. Eclipse will 
always call the usage's startup ext. point if the usage plugin is 
included which will trigger opening the dialog.

You can check this as follows:
- clone the jbosstools-build component
- remove -Dusage_reporting_enabled=false from the parent/pom.xml
- mvn clean install -f parent/pom.xml
- cd <usage_test_directory>
- mvn clean verify
The test will always freeze - on Linux, Windows, Mac, Kepler M6, Kepler 
M5, Indigo...


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