[jbosstools-dev] Some modules in jbosstools-4.0.x require version update

Denis Golovin dgolovin at exadel.com
Wed Feb 20 02:04:30 EST 2013

I was checking if there are components that requires version update in 
4.0.x branch and
It looks like some components should have version updated (see attached 
txt file for component changes):
esb ( 1.5.0 - 1.5.1 )
forge ( 1.1.0 - 1.1.1 )
jbpm ( 4.5.0 - 4.5.1 )
openshift ( 2.4.0 - 2.4.1 )
vpe ( 3.4.0 - 3.4.1 )
server/archives ( 3.4.0 - 3.4.1 )

version is already updated in:
bpel ( 1.2.0 -> 1.2.1 )
server/as ( 2.4.0 - 2.4.1 )

not sure if it is really required:
runtime-soa - nick suggested it can be deleted, because all runtime 
detection plugins moved to corresponding modules

Could component leads confirm if version update above is really required?


-------------- next part --------------
jbosstools-base ( - )
* 2edfc30 - (HEAD, refs/heads/jbosstools-4.0.x) JBIDE-13410 bump parent pom version to 4.0.1.Final (21 minutes ago) <Denis Golovin>

jbosstools-birt ( - )
* 63f0437 - (HEAD, refs/remotes/origin/jbosstools-4.0.x, refs/heads/jbosstools-4.0.x) Merge pull request #7 from dgolovin/JBIDE-13410 (3 days ago) <Snjeza>
* 763e074 - JBIDE-13410 bump parent pom version to 4.0.1.Final (3 days ago) <Denis Golovin>

jbosstools-bpel ( 1.2.0 -> 1.2.1 ) already updated
eskimo at dgolovin-desktop:~/Projects/jbds/jbosstools-submodules/bpel$ git lg jbosstools-4.0.0.Alpha2..jbosstools-4.0.x
*   26fcae5 - (HEAD, refs/remotes/origin/jbosstools-4.0.x, refs/heads/jbosstools-4.0.x) Merge pull request #6 from nickboldt/JBIDE-13437-40x (3 weeks ago) <Bob Brodt>
| * 4c742e8 - fix update site (remove org.eclipse.bpel.jboss.riftsaw.runtime.feature, add org.eclipse.bpel.apache.ode.runtime.feature) and upversion everything to 1.2.1 :: JBIDE-13437 (3 weeks ago) <nickboldt>

jbosstools-central ( - )
* 5b3a987 - (HEAD, refs/remotes/origin/jbosstools-4.0.x, refs/heads/jbosstools-4.0.x) JBIDE-13410 bump parent pom version to 4.0.1.Final (3 days ago) <Denis Golovin>
* b74b1e4 - JBIDE-13226 update org.jboss.tools.central.discovery plugin.xml to add new connector for Juno SR1 UI optimization patches (9 weeks ago) <nickboldt>

jbosstools-esb ( 1.5.0 - 1.5.1 )
*   bdcc256 - (HEAD, refs/remotes/origin/jbosstools-4.0.x, refs/heads/jbosstools-4.0.x) Merge pull request #21 from nickboldt/JBIDE-11101-40x (5 days ago) <Brian Fitzpatrick>
| * 9a8a468 - JBIDE-11101 move org.jboss.tools.runtime.esb.detector plugin and feature from jbosstools-runtime-soa project to jbosstools-esb project (master branch 1.5.200) (5 days ago) <nickboldt>

jbosstools-forge (1.1.0 - 1.1.1)
* bc2b683 - (HEAD, refs/remotes/origin/jbosstools-4.0.x, refs/heads/jbosstools-4.0.x) JBIDE-13410 bump parent pom version to 4.0.1.Final (28 hours ago) <Denis Golovin>
* fe75bc7 - JBIDE-12704: Fix Feature Title (2 weeks ago) <Mickael Istria>
* a1901a0 - updated for jdsb 6 (9 weeks ago) <irooskov>

jbosstools-freemarker ( - )
* 7c31314 - (HEAD, refs/remotes/origin/jbosstools-4.0.x, refs/heads/jbosstools-4.0.x) JBIDE-13410 bump parent pom version to 4.0.1.Final (3 days ago) <Denis Golovin>

jbosstools-gwt ( - )
* 6a2c0af - (HEAD, refs/remotes/origin/jbosstools-4.0.x, refs/heads/jbosstools-4.0.x) JBIDE-13410 bump parent pom version to 4.0.1.Final (3 days ago) <Denis Golovin>

jbosstools-hibernate ( - )
* b2803c1 - (HEAD, refs/remotes/origin/jbosstools-4.0.x, refs/heads/jbosstools-4.0.x) JBIDE-13410 bump parent pom version to 4.0.1.Final (4 days ago) <Denis Golovin>
* c7c039b - Merge branch irooskov-master into jbosstools-4.0.x (9 weeks ago) <Max Rydahl Andersen>
* 07eb5e9 - updated for jbds 6 release (3 months ago) <irooskov>

jbosstools-javaee ( - )
* a03ff45752 - (HEAD, refs/heads/jbosstools-4.0.x) JBIDE-13410 bump parent pom version to 4.0.1.Final (10 minutes ago) <Denis Golovin>
* 244d961 - (refs/remotes/origin/jbosstools-4.0.x) updated files for 4.0.0.Beta1 info update (7 weeks ago) <irooskov>

jbosstools-jbpm ( 4.5.0 - 4.5.1 ) 
eskimo at dgolovin-desktop:~/Projects/jbds/jbosstools-submodules/jbpm$ git lg  jbosstools-4.0.0.Alpha2..jbosstools-4.0.x
* 5df710d - (HEAD, refs/remotes/origin/jbosstools-4.0.x, refs/heads/jbosstools-4.0.x) JBIDE-11100 this should work but I cant get it to compile locally, so commit and try in Jenkins (5 days ago) <nickboldt>

jbosstools-jst ( - )
* 1fbc128 - (HEAD, refs/heads/jbosstools-4.0.x) JBIDE-13410 bump parent pom version to 4.0.1.Final (14 minutes ago) <Denis Golovin>

jbosstools-openshift ( 2.4.0 - 2.4.1 )
* 760e933 - (HEAD, refs/remotes/origin/jbosstools-4.0.x, refs/heads/jbosstools-4.0.x) [JBIDE-13588] corrected upper bound of required egit plugins to 3.0.0) (10 hours ago) <André Dietisheim>
* 0612061 - JBIDE-13410 bump parent pom version to 4.0.1.Final (3 days ago) <Denis Golovin>cd 

jbosstools-portlet ( - )
* 2ad1e00 - (HEAD, refs/remotes/origin/jbosstools-4.0.x, refs/heads/jbosstools-4.0.x) Merge pull request #7 from dgolovin/JBIDE-13410 (3 days ago) <Snjeza>
* ddd1e5d - JBIDE-13410 bump parent pom version to 4.0.1.Final (3 days ago) <Denis Golovin>

jbosstools-runtime-soa ( ??? )
eskimo at dgolovin-desktop:~/Projects/jbds/jbosstools-submodules/runtime-soa$ git lg  jbosstools-4.0.0.Alpha2..jbosstools-4.0.x
* f86b8c8 - (HEAD, refs/remotes/origin/jbosstools-4.0.x, refs/heads/jbosstools-4.0.x) JBIDE-13410 bump parent pom version to 4.0.1.Final (3 days ago) <Denis Golovin>
* 21adc17 - bump parent pom ref to 4.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT (3 months ago) <nickboldt>

jbosstools-server/as ( 2.4.0 -> 2.4.1 ) already updated
git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit jbosstools-4.0.0.Final..jbosstools-4.0.x  -- as
b0891ba JBIDE-13410 bump parent pom version to 4.0.1.Final
93193da adding additional comments
5836ba3 modifying fix as per max's request
d480efa JBIDE-13346 unnecessary logging of warning in this specific case requires new added method signature
1acc3fc JBIDE-13368 - comment cleanup
99de7b2 JBIDE-13368 getVM() for runtime needs to check for strictly compatible - 4.0.x maintenance
4e65cdb JBIDE-13201 fixing the listeners, verified jbt still shows new workspace dialog
c4dee6c re-fixing the versioning yet again for 4.0.x. Oops
c9b82a2 bad versioning
48165fe Manual merge of git PR 33

jbosstools-server/jmx ( - )
git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit jbosstools-4.0.0.Final..jbosstools-4.0.x  -- jmx
b0891ba JBIDE-13410 bump parent pom version to 4.0.1.Final

jbosstools-server/archives ( 3.4.0 -> 3.4.1 )
git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit jbosstools-4.0.0.Final..jbosstools-4.0.x --stat -- archives
b0891ba JBIDE-13410 bump parent pom version to 4.0.1.Final
 archives/pom.xml |    2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
5836ba3 modifying fix as per max's request
 archives/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/main/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/model/DirectoryScannerFactory.java |   14 ++------------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
d480efa JBIDE-13346 unnecessary logging of warning in this specific case requires new added method signature
 archives/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/main/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/model/DirectoryScannerFactory.java |   14 ++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

jbosstools-vpe ( 3.4.0 - 3.4.1 ) 
* f1d9aa9 - (HEAD, refs/remotes/origin/jbosstools-4.0.x, refs/heads/jbosstools-4.0.x) JBIDE-13410 bump parent pom version to 4.0.1.Final (3 days ago) <Denis Golovin>
* bdb45f3 - JBIDE-13271 BrowserSim: simulator is closing unexpectedly while changing skin (7 weeks ago) <Konstantin Marmalyukov>

jbosstools-webservices ( - )
* f8d4760 - (HEAD, refs/remotes/upstream/jbosstools-4.0.x, refs/remotes/origin/jbosstools-4.0.x, refs/heads/jbosstools-4.0.x) JBIDE-13410 bump parent pom version to 4.0.1.Final (3 days ago) <Denis Golovin>

jbosstools-xulrunner ( - )
* 3799e89 - (HEAD, refs/remotes/origin/jbosstools-4.0.x, refs/heads/jbosstools-4.0.x) JBIDE-13410 bump parent pom version to 4.0.1.Final (3 days ago) <Denis Golovin>
* 8944333 - bump parent pom ref to 4.0.0.Final-SNAPSHOT (3 months ago) <nickboldt>

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