[jbosstools-dev] Showing no URL after deploying a Portlet project

Peter Palaga ppalaga at redhat.com
Thu Jan 17 05:11:21 EST 2013

CCing Thomas instead of gatein-core.

On 2013-01-17 08:58, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>> Eclipse cannot import just directories and files....they are of some
>>> eclipse known project type. And yes they are a war - which I assume
>>> if you out a servlet or index.html in these actually will be served
>>> out as such, correct?
>> The content of Portlet WARs is served by a portlet container and not by
>> servlet container. There may exist files like index.html, but they usually
>> do not make much sense standalone. They are fragments that are intended
>> to be embedded in some context by the portlet container. Moreover, ATM
>> there is no way how portlets could be accessed standalone via URL.
> I'm not talking about the portlets in there, but stuff that is not portlets, like servlets, html/jsf pages etc.
> But I guess what you are saying is that gatein gets to "mount" the war somewhere else than the servlet container.
>>>>> What inside these projects (which eclipse has info about) can be
>>>>> used to decide its not relevant to open ?
>>>> Yes, that is what I proposed: JBT should not show any URL for
>>>> projects which have gatein-3.5-bom dependency in their POMs. Is
>>>> that doable?
>>> The stuff that figures out what is runnable doesn't have access to
>>> maven metadata so its not a good choice IMO. It can see files and
>>> classpath entries if it must.
>> I see, so looking if there is a src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/portlet.xml file in the project would work, right?
> That is a better approach yes, but what do you expect to happen when such file is found ?
> Just doing "nothing" seems wrong. Maybe a dialog showing some explanation ?
> Any suggestion on what this would say ?
> Maybe something like "It looks like this project is a portlet and thus a proper URL cannot be calculated. Instead go to <something?> to find your page" ?

After discussing this with Thomas, we agree that some text would be OK. 
We will propose some wording.

Another question is if it would be possible to have a per-project 
configurable URL? Unfortunately there is no universal <something?> that 
would work for every portlet project.

> btw. I assume Run and Debug as should still actually start the server and in case of debug attach the debugger to it.

Yes, no change so far. I should verify if it works at all though.

> in any case, please open a bug in JBIDE with this request.


Thanks again,


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