[jbosstools-dev] How do I compile against org.jboss.tools.tests?

Mickael Istria mistria at redhat.com
Sun Oct 6 04:55:22 EDT 2013

On 10/05/2013 02:23 PM, Ian Tewksbury wrote:
> Once I imported the org.jboss.tools.tests plugin into my workspace the
> windup-eclipse-plugin project would compile via mvn clean verify.
> [...]
> I had not expected it to make the maven compile
> issues happy. I was also surprised that the maven build was not working in
> the first place. It never had issues picking up the jbosstools parent, but
> for some reason it was having issues picking up the org.jboss.tools.test
> plugin. But then as soon as I imported the project into my workspace and
> then did a clean verify on the windup-eclipse-plugin its complaining about
> not being able to find the test classes went away.
That's probably not exactly how it happens ;)
Maven is not aware of you workspace, so the cause of this happiness is 
something else. However, it is not possible to figure out the cause 
without knowing the error you got ealier.

> It would be a good experiment to have someone else download the windup
> plugin and try a mvn clean verify and see what happens.
Better: create a job on Jenkins CI, so you'll know what happens anytime 
you push a commit.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <http://www.jboss.org/tools>
My blog <http://mickaelistria.wordpress.com> - My Tweets 
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