[jbosstools-dev] Proposed change to JBT 4.40.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT target platform:

Mickael Istria mistria at redhat.com
Thu Aug 28 06:33:42 EDT 2014

Here is a proposal for a change to the JBoss Tools 4.40.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT 
target platform:


It consists in the following changes:
* JBIDE-18141: Use tern 0.5.0 (SNAPSHOT)

p2diff reports are attached to the related JIRA(s).

Please review the above PR(s), as it will be applied ASAP.
You can use the following to build & test the target-platform locally 
against your component(s).

Build target-platform:
   $ cd jbosstools-target-platforms
   $ git fetch origin pull/88/head
   $ git checkout FETCH_HEAD
   $ cd jbosstools/multiple
   $ mvn clean install

Try with just built target-platform:
   $ cd /path/to/your/component
   $ mvn clean verify -Pmultiple.target -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <http://www.jboss.org/tools>
My blog <http://mickaelistria.wordpress.com> - My Tweets 
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