[jbosstools-dev] My super cool Eclipse extensions

Mickael Istria mistria at redhat.com
Tue Jul 15 05:34:46 EDT 2014

On 07/15/2014 11:11 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
> Tried the open folder/project.
> First impressions good, here are my feedback on it:
For next set of comments, feel free to use the GitHub issues mechanism.
I'll put feedback/explanation/excuses here, I'd appreciate if you (not 
only Max, anyone) could give some priority of what you think is the more 
important for better usage.

> 1) the menu item says "Open folder/project" but during the import it 
> seem to write in progress "Creating Folder" ...that is 
> misleading..what folder are being created ?
It delegates most stuff to Eclipse Resources API, I guess that's what 
says "creating folder". It's not actually creating a folder in 
filesystem, but in resource model.
I agree it can be confusing.

> 2) It seem to just guess and then import - user has zero chance of 
> actually confirming if the guess is right.
Yes, I already thought about it, and I think it's probably the next 
change I'll make.

> 3) It seem to just look at the toplevel dir, I think it should look 
> recursively like Import project(s) does and then show which projects 
> and what guessed project types it will be imported as.
Making it working recursively will probably take ages and show a lot of 
choices to the user, who would get frightened by the amount of things to 
But I agree it would be nice. I'll think about it.

> 4) In general I think the UI would be better if similar to import so 
> you dont have to just get the OS specific browser as the first thing 
> (i.e. being able to easily type full path and/or get list of what 
> projects will be imported would make it easier to comprehend what is 
> going on IMO)
On that I disagree. If we want the operation to feel simple, it has to 
be simple at first, showing a FileDialog after a menu is pretty usual 
and efficient for most software, I hardly believe mimicking that 
behaviour is 90% of the benefit of this change.
Allowing to easily type full path is something I can do with my OS browser.

> 5) it would be really nice if this feature would be automatically 
> called if I dragged a folder to eclipse window
I agree, I'll try to implement that.

> 6) javascript seem to get enabled on all projects I try import even 
> thogh they aren't all javascript...(i.e. importing 
> jbosstools-browsersim root folder)
Ok, it's probably a bug in the JS detector. I'll have a look and try to 
fix this.
Note that fixing 2) would be a good way to workaround this one.

> 7) import of a multimodule project like jbosstools-browsersim only 
> result in one top root level project (if I used the maven import it 
> would have imported the others)
Yes, and I think it's good like this. What I think would be a nice 
continuation of the process would be to show Maven modules differently 
in Project Explorer to allow open/import from there. Cf 
https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=424317 .

> 8) it made the target folder in 
> org.jboss.tools.vpe.browsersim.debugger the source folder for the java 
> project - not sure why. it is a PDE project that can be deduced from 
> meta-inf and build.properties...
No doubt it's a bug. The current detectors/configurators are 
"cumulative", so it runs default Java configurator even on a Maven or 
PDE project.

> that said this is a really nice feature and would like to see how we 
> could include it into jbosstools and definitely try get it into 
> eclipse Mars.
Technically, it could be integrated easily in JBoss Tools: no additional 
deps or nothing else, already builds with JBT parent pom and TP. But as 
you noticed, it requires some fixes/improvements.
About having it part of Mars, it's something that I think cannot really 
happen, because IBM people already decided what they will work on, and 
this is not part of their short-list. Cf Dani's answers to 
https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=427768 .

Sorted by priority of mine (top is higher):
* 2
* 6
* 8
* 5
* 3
* 1
* 7, 4

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <http://www.jboss.org/tools>
My blog <http://mickaelistria.wordpress.com> - My Tweets 
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