[jbosstools-dev] JBDSIS 8.0.4.GA/ JBTIS 4.2.4.Final now live

Paul Leacu pleacu at redhat.com
Mon Dec 7 16:21:47 EST 2015

      The latest Eclipse-Luna capable, JBDS 8.1.0.GA compatible Integration Stack GA tooling is
   released.  Highlights include the full release of all IS tooling components (Fuse Data 
   Transformation, SAP tooling and SwitchYard - nothing left in early access) and updates to 
   Teiid Designer and Drools/jBPM6 (KIE Navigator).

   JBDSIS 8.0.4.GA, JBTIS 4.2.4.Final

   This release contains the following:

      * Released .Final components
        BPEL           1.3.100.Final
        BPMN2          1.1.3.Final_1.1.0.Final_luna
        DROOLS/JBPM6   6.3.0.Final (w/ KIE Navigator)
        ESB            1.5.530.Final
      > FUSE TOOLING   7.3.2.FINAL  (w/ Fuse Transformation Tooling)
        JBPM3          4.5.200.Final
        MODESHAPE      3.7.0.Final
      > SWITCHYARD     2.0.1.Final
      > TEIID DESIGNER 9.0.4.Final

   The latest SAP tooling (7.3.2.FINAL) is also available through the Fuse import update wizard and a separate update site.

   Release Notes: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_JBoss_Developer_Studio_Integration_Stack/8.0/html/8.0.4_Release_Notes/

   Installation Instructions:

      1. If installing from Eclipse Luna:
          Help > Eclipse Marketplace...
          - in the 'Search' tab enter 'jbds' in the 'Find' input widget
          - select the 'Go' button
          - install 'Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 8.1.0.GA'

      2. Start jbdevstudio or eclipse (with jbds from step 1)

      3. Select the Software/Update tab in the JBoss Central view.  


   The standard Eclipse installer is available for JBDSIS:

      1. If installing from Eclipse Luna:
          Help > Eclipse Marketplace...
          - in the 'Search' tab enter 'jbds' in the 'Find' input widget
          - select the 'Go' button
          - install 'Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 8.1.0.GA'

      2. Start jbdevstudio or eclipse-with-jbds from step 1, then:
          Help > Install New Software...
          - use this for 'Location:' for the production integration stack:

   JBoss Central is supported for JBTIS:

      1 Install JBoss Tools 4.2.3.Final:
          Help > Eclipse Marketplace...
          - in the 'Search' tab enter 'jboss tools' in the 'Find' input widget
          - select the 'Go' button
          - install 'JBoss Tools 4.2.3.Final'

      2 Start your Eclipse:

      3. Select the Software/Update tab in the JBoss Central view. 

   The standard Eclipse installer is available for JBTIS:

      * Start eclipse-with-jboss-tools, then:
          Help > Install New Software...

          - use this for 'Location:' for the released-components integration stack:

   Eclipse MarketPlace:


   Offline zip files are supported for both production and community installs:

      1. https://devstudio.redhat.com/updates/8.0.0/jbdevstudio-integration-stack-updatesite-8.0.4.GA.zip (MD5)
      2. http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/stable/luna/integration-stack/aggregate/jbosstools-integration-stack-aggregate-4.2.4.Final.zip (MD5)

   For component and QE test developers - the JBTIS target platforms are:

      - Full and candidate release target platforms including early access dependencies:

   Give it a try!

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