[jbosstools-dev] ACTION REQUIRED: JBoss Tools 4.2.3.Beta1 / JBDS 8.1.0.Beta1 Code Freeze is Thursday Feb 25

Nick Boldt nboldt at redhat.com
Wed Feb 25 21:50:44 EST 2015

Just a reminder, today (Europe time) / tomorrow (US/Canada time) is the 
JBoss Tools 4.2.3.Beta1 / JBDS 8.1.0.Beta1 Code Freeze.


Since we're already building from the 4.2.x branch, we *could* create 
4.2.3.Beta1x branches if we wanted that extra overhead, but I think it's 
much simpler to simply code freeze in the 4.2.x branch by EOD Thursday 
Feb 25.

We can then spin up the builds Friday & have bits for QE by Monday.

Once that's announced, you can tag your sources, and the 4.2.x branch 
will re-open for urgent, blocker/critical fixes aimed at JBT 4.2.3.CR1 / 
JBDS 8.1.0.CR1.


As a reminder, if you haven't already updated your root pom to use the 
4.2.3.Beta1 parent pom, or you haven't bumped your versions to a version 
greater than what was released in JBoss Tools 4.2.2, please do so. If 
you need instructions on how to do so, see the child tasks under this JIRA:


If your component DOES NOT have a JIRA under there, but you have changes 
in the 4.2.x branch planned to be included in 4.2.3, please create a 
child task so I know that you have things to build.


Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me, Alexey, Denis, Fred, 
Max, or Mickael.

Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio

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