[jbosstools-dev] Advice on use of apache.directory.browser plugins

phantomjinx p.g.richardson at phantomjinx.co.uk
Tue May 12 04:33:12 EDT 2015

Hash: SHA1

On 12/05/15 08:08, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
> On 11 May 2015, at 20:23, phantomjinx wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Wanted to get a handle on the way forward for use of bundles from update sites outside of JBT
>> and JBT-IS.
> We have a very explicit document outlining how to cope with additions to our TP's - this
> applies to *anything* that goes into JBoss Tools, including Teiid.
> See 
> https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-devdoc/blob/master/building/target_platforms/target_platf
That's handy. Thanks!

>> Teiid Designer has the ability to model connections to LDAP servers. Up until this point, we
>> have created the modelling UI from scratch but I have found that 
>> org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser has a superior set of UI widgets that Designer could
>> make use of.
> Never heard about it - got some more info besides just their updatesite ?
> I found http://directory.apache.org/studio/

That's the one!

> They don't seem to have had a release for 2 years ?

Indeed. However, their ldap BrowserConnection and BrowserUI work/look a lot better than the one I
created for Designer.

> Any reason why we need their full content and not just take the controls we need ?

Nope. I just want the LdapBrowser feature and its dependencies. Experimenting yesterday got it
down two about 6 plugins
from their repository and a few extras such as org.apache.poi and org.apache.directory.api.ldap.mode

>> While experimenting I have appended the directory update site [1] to our eclipse TP but long
>> term, if everything works okay, I would prefer a most resiliant strategy to avoid just 
>> situations as their update site suddenly disappearing.
> Yes, we always mirror what we include in TP. But before we do we'll need to check what kind of
> dependencies etc. it drags in etc.

I can compile a list as I work through the doc you posted above.

>> Can I get some advice on how to proceed with this, in that should the update site be appended
>> to the JBT TP? Should their update site be mirrored? Is this a non-starter?
> Please, start by doing whats in 
> https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-devdoc/blob/master/building/target_platforms/target_platf


> And yeah, for me the biggest issue is that there seem to have been no release for 2 years so 
> who is going to maintain these is my biggest question.

That's an interesting question. My first experiment was to take the bits I wanted out of their
code and integrate
it directly in Teiid. However, the cascading/snowball affect soon kicked in and I was migrating
over 100 classes before any
real functionality was ported. In that sense, I was forking it and dangerously coming close to
adding little foobars here and

Therefore, the natural alternative is to depend on these plugins instead hence first adding them
as quick referenced libs
coming straight from maven. That failed since these are full-on plugins and need osgi to properly
start them with a bundle context
and initialise their activators. Consequently, depending on them as plugins from the update site
seems the next option hence
my exploratory email.

We have a number of bugs in Teiid concerning the ldap importer and the widgets will help both
mitigate some of those. Thus, I
definitely want to use some of this code but I have no answer and little experience to the
maintenance question.

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