[jbosstools-dev] Changes to Jenkins jobs: source warnings now register as failures

Nick Boldt nboldt at redhat.com
Fri Jan 27 11:55:54 EST 2017

Just a quick heads up that you might see build failures now as a
result of incorrectly configured source.

I enabled some extra build log filtering to look for magic phrases
like these, and fail the build if they're found:

* Problems resolving provisioning plan
* Unable to satisfy dependency

So, if you see this in your build log locally, you can work to
eliminate it there, too. I suggest running maven and tee'ing to a log
file, eg.,

  mvn clean verify | tee /tmp/log.txt

Then you can check the log with grep or your text editor of choice for
the above strings to find the errors.


If your source features/plugins are not correctly set up, you can fix
them using this guide:


Ref: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-23767


Note that Tycho handles the warning condition by sometimes pulling old
plugins from your ~/.m2/repo, because it can't resolve the locally
built ones. So, to avoid this causing problems in Jenkins builds (and
downstream aggregators like the coretests and integration-tests jobs),
jobs will now do some extra cleanup steps before building:

  # clean out old artifacts
  rm -fr ${WORKSPACE}/.repository/p2/org/eclipse/update/feature/
  rm -fr ${WORKSPACE}/.repository/p2/osgi/bundle/*jboss*
  # clean out cache and metadata
  rm -fr ${WORKSPACE}/.repository/.cache
  rm -fr ${WORKSPACE}/.repository/.meta



Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio

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