[jbosstools-dev] FYI: New Jenkins job console log parser (or why is my build suddenly failing?)

Nick Boldt nboldt at redhat.com
Thu Jul 20 12:18:45 EDT 2017

Over the last couple days, I've implemented a new Jenkins plugin to
parse our build console logs to check for errors in a more efficient
way than the old TextFinderPublisher parser, which was hella slow and
hard to optimize/adjust.

The new parser is controlled by this rule file [1], which can be
adjusted if it's reporting errors which should be warnings, or
warnings which should be OK. After pushing a change to that file, you
need only rebuild this job [2] and then kick your job to see the

[1] https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-build-ci/blob/master/util/jbosstools-console-log-parser.txt
[2] https://dev-platform-jenkins.rhev-ci-vms.eng.rdu2.redhat.com/job/jbosstools-build-ci_master/

To see your new parsed console - including errors, warnings, and info
links you can use to easily navigate to your build & test results,
click on the "Parsed Console Output" entry on a given build page, eg.,

[3] https://dev-platform-jenkins.rhev-ci-vms.eng.rdu2.redhat.com/job/jbosstools-server_master/320/parsed_console/

Each job now also has a "Log Parser Trend" graph on its home page,
just above the "Test Result Trend" chart, so you can watch if your
warnings are cleaned up over time, and your code smell improves.

Ref: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-24561

Nick Boldt

Senior Software Engineer, RHCSA

Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio

IM: @nickboldt / @nboldt / http://nick.divbyzero.com

@ @redhatnews      Red Hat

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