Hey guys..<br><br>There will be an integration build coming within the next hour or so that will have the following tags:<br><br># cvs tags <br>core.cvs=IDE_CORE_2_0_0_BETA1<br>aop.cvs=IDE_AOP_DEVELOPER_1_2_BETA1<br>as.cvs=IDE_ASBRIDGE_1_0_BETA1
<br>ejb3.cvs=IDE_EJB3_TOOLS_1_1_BETA1<br>freemarker.cvs=IDE_FREEMARKER_1_0_BETA1<br>jbpm.cvs=jbpm_gpd_3_0_11<br>hibernate-tools.cvs=HEAD<br>cache.cvs=IDE_CACHE_2_0_0_BETA1<br>tests.cvs=HEAD<br><br># svn tags<br>drools-ide.svn=http://anonsvn.labs.jboss.com/labs/jbossrules/branches/3.0.x
<br>jbossws.svn=https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/soapui/tags/jbosside-2.0.0-beta1<br clear="all"><br>I am still waiting on a tag from Max (he's had bad connection problems the past few days..), and FYI Koen it looks like jBPM Designer is still failing to build... is the
3.0.11 tag known to be ok?<br><br>Everyone else please download and test your component, make sure everything is working as expected, etc.. you know the drill =). Once we get a fully "succesful" integration build I'm handing this over to QA for full release.
<br>-- <br>Marshall Culpepper<br><a href="mailto:marshall.culpepper@jboss.com">marshall.culpepper@jboss.com</a><br>JBoss Eclipse IDE Lead, JBoss Inc.