Hey guys... I'm sending this to everyone in case others want to use the build system to build a release of their component.<br><br>First off you'll want to read over the Wiki for the JBossIDE release project which I created here:
<br><a href="http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBossIDEReleaseProcess">http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBossIDEReleaseProcess</a><br><br>The process is pretty similar except a few changes:<br><br>1) You need to go into builders/product/build.properties.template and edit the "
release.build.steps" and "builders" properties... Here is an example of what I'm using to succesfully build HibernateTools: (commented line is the original value)<br><br>#release.build.steps=standalone.product
,bundle.eclipse,tests<br>release.build.steps=standalone.product,tests<br>#builders=freemarker,hibernate-tools,core,as,aop,ejb3,jbpm,cache,drools-ide,jbossws<br>builders=freemarker,hibernate-tools<br><br>The builders property should have your builder and any builders you require, in the case of hibernate-tools the only required builder is freemarker.
<br><br>2) The tags file that you create (see step 6 in above wiki) will only need tags for your component, it's dependent component, and for the unit tests. My tags file for a build of Hibernate Tools looks like:<br><br>
$ cat product/versionTags/3.2.0.beta9.tags<br>hibernate-tools=beta9<br>freemarker=1.0.0.Beta2<br>hibernate-tools.cvs=TOOLS_3_2_0_beta8<br>freemarker.cvs=IDE_FREEMARKER_1_0_BETA2<br><br>tests=3.2.0.beta9<br>tests.cvs=HEAD<br>
<br>In this case I used an old tag just to verify things were working, so Max you'd need to change that CVS tag to the one you make for your next release.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Marshall Culpepper<br><a href="mailto:marshall.culpepper@jboss.com">
marshall.culpepper@jboss.com</a><br>JBossIDE Team Lead<br>JBoss, a division of Red Hat