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<p>Hi all,<br>
As I'm reading the PDD, I've seen multiple occurence where Red Hat
Central is meant to show news inside the Desktop IDE. I question the
value of for several reasons:<br>
* As I'm opening a code editor, I most likely want to code, and
don't want to be disturbed by news. It's not the right time for me
to read them<br>
* Space is lost where we could use it to make simpler UI/UX and give
more assistance to users<br>
* Typically, I expect news by mail or social media and that's all
and enough, and maybe even already too much. When I want to read
news, I go through the one I get via this channel and I don't feel
the need for more.<br>
* Showing news in tools is pretty unusual. Most apps (web browsers,
mail/IM clients, image manipulation software...) don't do it and it
doesn't prevent them to be successful.<br>
Do we have metrics of how often are the news link currently clicked
in JBoss Tools/JBDS ?<br>
<div class="moz-signature">-- <br>
Mickael Istria<br>
Eclipse developer at <a href="http://www.jboss.org/tools">JBoss,
by Red Hat</a><br>
<a href="http://mickaelistria.wordpress.com">My blog</a> - <a
href="http://twitter.com/mickaelistria">My Tweets</a></div>