[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Enforcing a WSDL without doing WSDL first development (top t

dwin do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Jan 15 14:01:33 EST 2007

Hey guys

     Some aspects of the WSDL can be enforced via annotations such as webParam and @WebService but some things cannot be enforced via annotations such as adding non-nillable arguments to specific web parameters.

Is it possible to modify the generated WSDL (at runtime) and use @WebService (wsdlLocation="xxx/xxx.wsdl) as long as the java code and WSDL do not contradict each other?

I guess what would be helpful is to know if JBossWS checks (compiles) WSDL against the Java class at runtime or if JBossWS generates a WSDL every time when an wsimport is not done?

thanks for any information

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