[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Package name generated by wsprovide

zauberlehrling do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Mar 26 17:44:03 EDT 2007


I ran the following ant-task which executes the tool wsprovide.
<wsprovide verbose="true"
  |            fork="true"
  |            keep="true"
  |            destdir="${build.dir}"
  |            sourcedestdir="${src.dir}"
  |            genwsdl="true"
  |            resourcedestdir="${meta.dir}/beispiel_9"
  |            sei="beispiel_9.EjbEndpoint">
  |            <classpath>
  |                <pathelement path="${build.dir}"/>
  |            </classpath>
  | </wsprovide>
The service endpoint resides in the package anonymous wrote :  beispiel_9   The wsdl file were generated fine in the dirctory ${meta.dir}/beispiel_9.

But the generated wrapper classes SayHello.java and SayHelloResponse.java were placed in the packageanonymous wrote :  beispiel_9.jaxws  and not in the package beispiel_9. Why this? 

For heaven's sake from where does the 'jaxws' come?

Best regards,


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