[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Re: wsdl based web-service (like a paypal simulator)?

oskar.carlstedt do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Oct 9 16:49:54 EDT 2007


As I said before, this is probably due to the circular schema imports. JBoss will try to load the first schema (CoreComponentTypes.xsd). While scanning this schema JBoss will find the schema import for the 2:nd schema (eBLBaseComponents.xsd). While scanning this 2:nd schema JBoss will find the import of the 1:st schema (CoreComponentTypes.xsd) and so on. This circular schema scan will continue until you get out of memory. I can't find any other reason for this out of memory error.

If you don't understand, just follow the xml schema import statements in both schemas and you'll understand what I'm saying.

Best regards

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