[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Re: WSTools to generate jaxrpc-mapping.xml file?

wcydaip do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Oct 25 15:53:27 EDT 2007

So, the call to WSTools is not necessary?  That's what I was hoping to find out.  

Does this also mean that we no longer need a mapping file?  If not, how is the mapping file generated?  WSTools?

The reason I even tried to generate artifacts with the WSTools is to solve this error:

  | 2007-10-25 11:42:57,765 ERROR [STDERR] javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: WSDLReader:None of the matching operations for soapAction http://actcenters.com/ALMVTC/action/Schedule.getCandidateScheduleData could successfully load the incoming request. Potential typemapper problem
  | 2007-10-25 11:42:57,765 ERROR [STDERR] 	at org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.SOAPFaultHelperJAXWS.getSOAPFaultException(SOAPFaultHelperJAXWS.java:69)
  | 2007-10-25 11:42:57,765 ERROR [STDERR] 	at org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.binding.SOAP11BindingJAXWS.throwFaultException(SOAP11BindingJAXWS.java:109)
  | 2007-10-25 11:42:57,765 ERROR [STDERR] 	at org.jboss.ws.core.CommonSOAPBinding.unbindResponseMessage(CommonSOAPBinding.java:553)
  | 2007-10-25 11:42:57,765 ERROR [STDERR] 	at org.jboss.ws.core.CommonClient.invoke(CommonClient.java:371)
  | 2007-10-25 11:42:57,765 ERROR [STDERR] 	at org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.client.ClientImpl.invoke(ClientImpl.java:243)
  | 2007-10-25 11:42:57,765 ERROR [STDERR] 	at org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.client.ClientProxy.invoke(ClientProxy.java:164)
  | 2007-10-25 11:42:57,765 ERROR [STDERR] 	at org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.client.ClientProxy.invoke(ClientProxy.java:150)
  | 2007-10-25 11:42:57,765 ERROR [STDERR] 	at $Proxy60.getCandidateScheduleData(Unknown Source)

which is called via:

  | public Event perform(HttpServletRequest request) throws HTMLActionException {
  | 		logger.info("entering perform");
  | 		String sEnrollId = "11110",
  |             sSSN = "-00004069",
  |             sClientPWD ="123",
  |             sClientId = "042";
  | 		String req =  "<GetCandidateScheduleData>"+
  | 						"<Client Id='" + sClientId + "' Password='" + sClientPWD + "'/>"+
  | 				        "<EnrollId>" + sEnrollId + "</EnrollId>"+
  | 				        "<SSN>" + sSSN + "</SSN>" +
  | 				        "</GetCandidateScheduleData>";
  | 			ALMVTC alm = new ALMVTC();
  | 			ScheduleSoapPort ssp = alm.getScheduleSoapPort();
  | 			Object resp = null;
  | 						try {
  | 							resp = ssp.getCandidateScheduleData((Object)req); 
  | 							//resp = ssp.serviceCheck(req);
  | 							logger.info("the response for the candidates:"+resp);
  | 						} catch (Exception e) {
  | 							// TODO Auto-generated catch block
  | 							e.printStackTrace();
  | 						}
  | 		logger.info("leaving perform");
  | 		return null;
  | 	}

Not sure if this will help but the full stack trace can be found here:

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