[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - JbossWS array type issues

agohar do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jun 10 11:07:51 EDT 2008


I am having a problem with JBossWS for Array elements in wsdl. I am using JBoss-4.2.2. 

One of my webservices method returns an object (complex type), which contains the array of other objects in it. Here is the snippt from my wsdl

  |    <xs:complexType name='MyVO'>
  |     <xs:sequence>
  |      <xs:element maxOccurs='unbounded' name='attr1' type='xs:string'/>
  |      <xs:element maxOccurs='unbounded' name='attr2' type='tns:MyOtherVO'/>
  |      <xs:element name='attr3' type='tns:MyOtherVO'/>
  |      <xs:element maxOccurs='unbounded' name='attr4' type='tns:MyOtherVO2'/>
  |      <xs:element name='attr5' type='xs:int'/>
  |      <xs:element name='attr6' type='xs:string'/>
  |      <xs:element name='attr7' type='xs:string'/>
  |      <xs:element name='attr8' type='xs:int'/>
  |     </xs:sequence>
  |    </xs:complexType>

This Object is returned from one of the webservices method and when attr2 and attr4 are null array or empty array, it doesn't return anything back to the soap client. I want it to return empty array. 

Is it possible?


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