[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Streaming webservices

tommy.bergkvist do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jun 17 02:54:02 EDT 2008


I am using jbossas 4.2.2, jbossws 3.0.1.
I am having some trouble with my webservice implementation. My endpoint needs to be able to both send and receive large XMLs. In my case there are large elements (100 Mb) which are Base64 encoded.

All attempts on sending such XML ends up as a DOMSource on my endpoint. Is there any way to configure Webservices to not parse the incoming message and use StreamSource instead. I have no interest what so ever to marshall/unmarshall, validate, use Interceptors nor Handlers. I would be very pleased if incoming message could be streamed straight down to disk.

If StreamSource is not possible, then a StaxSource using the Woodstox implementation would be nice as well (it handles large Elements).

I am also having a similar problem with my stand-alone client. It runs with java 1.6. As soon as an Element is larger than 100kb I get an Exception that end element is missing, It seams that the XMLStreamReader (which is used by com.sun.xml.internal.ws.client.dispatch) can not handle large Elements.

Do I need to use Spring to be able to stream over Webservices?

Anyone has any ideas?

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