[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - How to create a Web Service in JBoss

whitexos12 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Mar 29 12:34:03 EDT 2008


I am new to JBoss and mostly work with BEA and Oracle AS. I just downloaded jboss-4.2.2.GA. Now how do I deploy a Web Service are there any special kinds to create an ear for a Web Service. As I just have a simple HelloWorld program that I need to expose it as a Web Service and deploy it on JBoss but don't know what commands do I need to create a Web Service ear out of it and how to deploy it on the server. 

Can someone please provide a simple example step by step to build and deploy a Web Service in JBoss.

As in oracle I can use the following to build an ear for a Web Service

<target name="assemble-webservice" depends="setup">
  |     <echo message="-----> Assembling the service ear file." />
  |     <copy todir="${out.dir}/war/WEB-INF/lib">
  |       <fileset dir="${out.lib}">
  |            <include name="*.jar"/>
  |       </fileset>
  |     </copy>
  |     <oracle:topDownAssemble appName="${app.name}"
  |     wsdl="${wsdl.file}" className="${implementaion.class}"
  |     input="${bld.webservice.dir}" output="${out.dir}"
  |     ear="${lib.dir}/${app.name}_service.ear">
  |       <!--fileset refid="resources" /-->		
  |     </oracle:topDownAssemble>
  |   </target>

and in BEA can use the following:

  |        destEar="${build}"
  |        warName="helloWorldService.war">
  |        <service
  |                 javaClassComponents="com.xx.ab.webservice.helloWorldWebservice"
  |                 targetNamespace="http://xmlns.xx.com/ab/helloWorldService"
  |                 serviceName="HelloWorldService"
  |                 serviceURI="/helloWorldService"
  |                 style="document"
  |                 protocol="http"
  |                 expandMethods="True">
  |                 <handlerChain name="ExpressChain" handlers="com.xx.ab.handler.SOAPHandler"/>
  |        </service>
  |       <classpath>
  |         <pathelement path="${classes}"/>
  |         <pathelement path="${lib}/dynamic/*.jar"/>
  |       </classpath>
  |      </servicegen>

Now how do I do it in JBoss. What commands to use to create an ear for a Web Service. Any small tutorial will really help alot. Any help is really appreciated.


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