[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Namespace issue for SEIs extending common interface

yogeshkb do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon May 26 05:48:44 EDT 2008

HI Team,

I have two webservices with separate SEIs (say A in targetNamespace X and B in targetNamespace Y) each one extending a common interface (say C)

When I generated the WSDLs using the wsprovide tool, I can see the two wsdl files each containing the schema for the operations of common interface C getting generated as part of the SEI A's namespace and SEI B's namespace individually which is expected as per the standards..

I deployed these webservices in JBoss4.2.2 with JBossWS2.0.3. When I tried to open the wsdls from the JBoss server, the wsdls generated from the jboss server seems to have the operations of common interface C available as part of the SEI A. But for the SEI B, the operations of common interface C are imported from SEI A's namespace.

I was expecting the operations of common interface C to be available in each individual webservice's namespace as unique operations.

I also tried to explicitly specify the XmlType annotation in the common interface class C to have a common namespace but even this attempt got failed.

Pls let me know how to workaround this problem. 


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