[jbossws-users] JBoss clustering with webservices

Leandro Sales leandroal at gmail.com
Fri May 30 18:36:11 EDT 2008

Hi. I'm implementing cluster of nodes with jboss. Each node provides a
Webservice implemented with EJB (@Stateless, @Webservice and
@Clustered). I deployed the webservice .jar bean into the
server/all/farm directory and hence the webservice is replicated among
the nodes of the cluster. How can I provide the load balancing for
these nodes considering the to points listened below:

1 - The webservice consumer needs to point to a unique address (the
interceptor, which is responsible to select a node and forward to
request to it). How to define this interceptor?

2 - Once one node is selected, I don't want that the node response
pass back through the interceptor (like documentations explains),
instead I want the webservice response be directly sent to the client.
Is this possible?

Thank you. All points/suggestion are greatfully accepted.

Best regards.


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