[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Re: Samples? Tutorials? There is a lack of readable docs!

alessio.soldano@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Nov 11 04:28:15 EST 2008

"eminil" wrote : 
  | I've tried looking carefully :P
  | These examples seem to be for EJB3 right with annotations and stuff for webservices?
Yes, those examples are about what JAXWS specs talk about... both EJB3 and POJO web service endpoints are supported.

anonymous wrote : What if we are using older EJB2 beans?
Did you say this before stating that the doc is not readable??
Anyway, you can refer to the legacy JAX-RPC documentation in this case, which is indeed less rich of examples being about something we don't actively work on since a lot of time.
There are anyway tons of jax-rpc examples in the distribution that you can run as junit test and use as a starting point for your development.

anonymous wrote : Also, prefreably we would like all our webservice building to be inside our build ant script. It is possible to get this onto each developers computer's eclipse installation without having to install jboss on every computer? We have a development server running the jboss. I imagine most developers use this approach.
Sure that's possible. We even developed a user project generator for getting started easily with your project, but that's for JAX-WS only. See the "Setup your IDE" page on the mediawiki: http://jbossws.jboss.org/mediawiki/index.php?title=Setup_your_IDE
Since you're using old technologies, you'll have to setup your environment on your own, but that almost trivial once you know the libraries you need on client side.

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