[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - What does " Cannot get port meta data for...." mean?

jorgemoralespou_2 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Oct 22 11:40:43 EDT 2008

I have webservice deployed that acts as a ws client application running in my app. I create a pool of clients to invoke different endpoints, and when starting my app, I get the following trace:
anonymous wrote : 
  | 2008-10-22 17:02:29,744 WARN  [org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.spi.ServiceDelegateImpl] Cannot get port meta data for: {http://www.csapi.org/wsdl/parlayx/multimedia_messaging/send/v2_4/service}SendMessage

I create stubs like this:

  |       QName qname = new QName(
  |             "http://www.csapi.org/wsdl/parlayx/sms/send/v2_2/service",
  |             "SendSmsService");
  |       SendSmsService service = new SendSmsService(null, qname);
  |       SendSms a = service.getSendSms();
  |       return a;

When I make a request, everything goes as expected. An error if backend is not reachable (backend app is stopped) or backend response if everything is fine, so I don't really know if this trace is relevant at all, or the real meaning for this trace.

I have tried to initialize the Service with a URL rather than null, with different behaviour.

If I set, like explained in the forums:
anonymous wrote : 
  |  new URL("WEB-INF/wsdl/parlayx_sms_send_service_2_2.wsdl");

A MalformedURLException is thrown:
anonymous wrote : 
  | java.net.MalformedURLException: no protocol: WEB-INF/wsdl/parlayx_sms_send_service_2_2.wsdl

If I set a protocol, like:
anonymous wrote : 
  | new URL("resource:WEB-INF/wsdl/parlayx_sms_send_service_2_2.wsdl");

The resource is not found, and the service is not started. 
anonymous wrote : 
  | [org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.spi.ServiceDelegateImpl] Cannot access wsdlURL: resource:WEB-INF/wsdl/parlayx_sms_send_service_2_2.wsdl

I have tried different locations, so, what is correct way of doing this for clients?

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