[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Problem accessing from Remote

macmirror do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Oct 30 19:09:01 EDT 2008

I have a simple Webservice which runs perfect local but if
deployed remotely, I have the problem that the generated
WSDL references the endpoint address instead
of the hostname where the service is deployed:

  | [...]
  |        <service name="UpdateService">
  |        <port binding="tns:UpdateServiceBinding" name="UpdateServicePort">
  |        <soap:address location=""/>
  |      </port>
  |    </service>
  | </definitions>

Now as I outed myself as a WS-newbie, I hope someone can point me to
what I am doing wrong or should do differently.

As an example you can take the seambay example of Seam which has the
same "problem" if deployed non-local. I guess, I have simply a misunderstand
how things should work.

Ready for a lesson... ;)


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