[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - How to add handler chain to dynamic web service proxy client

rk_jboss do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jul 28 18:27:06 EDT 2009

  I'm trying to add a handler chain (which has couple of handlers) to web service client (written using dynamic proxy) but when I try to run the client handlers are not added. If I use the the static stubs,I'm able to add the handlers.

I tried with different classes in jboss ws package but did not work. 
Pls can anyone advice me if I miss something.

my client code is 

  | import org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.binding.BindingImpl;
  | import org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.binding.SOAP11BindingJAXWS;
  | some other imports
  | class  client 
  | {
  | 	public static void main(String[] args) {
  |       try {
  | 			String namespace = "some namespace";
  | 			String serviceName = "some serviceName";
  | 			String portName = "some portName";
  | 			String endpointAddress = "some endpointAddress";
  | 			QName serviceQName = new QName(namespace, serviceName);
  | 	    	Service service = Service.create(serviceQName);
  |         	QName portQName = new QName(namespace, portName);
  | 			service.addPort(portQName, SOAPBinding.SOAP11HTTP_BINDING, endpointAddress);
  |     		Dispatch<SOAPMessage> dispatch = 
  |     		   service.createDispatch(portQName, SOAPMessage.class, Service.Mode.MESSAGE);
  | 		    List<Handler> handlerChain = new ArrayList<Handler>();
  | 		    handlerChain.add(new ClientWSSecurityHandler());
  | 		    handlerChain.add(new LoggingHandler());
  |     		// I tried the following options
  | 		//1) did not work
  | 		BindingImpl bindingProvider = (BindingImpl) dispatch.getBinding();
  |     		bindingProvider.setHandlerChain(handlerChain);
  | 		//2) did not work
  | 	    SOAP11BindingJAXWS bindingProvider = (SOAP11BindingJAXWS) dispatch.getBinding();
  |     		bindingProvider.setHandlerChain(handlerChain);
  | 		//creating soap message goes and invoking the service here
  | 	    } catch(WebServiceException webServiceException) 		    {
  | 	    	sop("WebServiceException is::"+webServiceException.getMessage());
  | 	    	webServiceException.printStackTrace();
  | 	    } catch (SOAPException soapEx) {
  | 	    	sop("SOAPException is::"+soapEx.getMessage());
  | 	    	soapEx.printStackTrace();
  | 		}
  | 	}
  | }

Thanks in advance.


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