[jbpm-dev] [Design of JBoss jBPM] - console roles

tom.baeyens@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Feb 13 05:09:26 EST 2009

yesterday during the meeting with the sa's one of the interesting feedbacks was : we have JON for operators (or linux propellorheads as burr called them :-)  and we have our own GWT console that is targetted as different roles.

in the past it has been difficult to isolate those roles in the web application.  as typically powerusers want to navigate from any place to any place.  so it becomes difficult to offer e.g. only the task mgmt part to a task-clerk.  or to embed the operator part of our console (looking and retrying failed jobs, number of optimistic locking exceptions) in JON.

our formost interest is to ship a project to the community that can get us adoption.  so it definitely requires a console to be included that can show off the jbpm capabilities.

features like task lists, process monitoring, analythics and operational functions are targetted at different audiences.  but how can we structure our own console towards these different roles without crippling the powerusers that want to do it all and navigate conveniently.

so how can we make parts of this web app exposed to a single target role ?  and how can we leverage these components in let's say JON/JOPR and maybe Guvnor.

thoughts ?

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