[jbpm-dev] How to check if eventListener is called - audit log

Charles Moulliard ch007m at gmail.com
Tue May 20 10:16:54 EDT 2014


I have enable AuditLogger using AuditLoggerFactory method
(newJPAInstance(Environment env) for a project running on karaf.

    <kie:kmodule id="kModule">

        <kie:kbase name="kPersistence">

            <kie:ksession name="kSession">

                <kie:processEventListener ref="log-listener"/>

                <kie:processEventListener ref="mock-process-listener"/>



                        <kie:transaction-manager ref="txManager"/>

                        <kie:entity-manager-factory ref="myEmf"/>






    <kie:environment id="env">

        <kie:entity-manager-factory ref="myEmf"/>

        <kie:transaction-manager ref="txManager"/>


    <bean id="mock-process-listener"

    <bean id="log-listener"

        <constructor-arg ref="env"/>


The method of AuditLoggerFactory is well called (debug mode)

public static AbstractAuditLogger newJPAInstance(Environment env) {

        return new JPAWorkingMemoryDbLogger(env);


but the DB (H2) and this table sessionInfo contains a record when the
process is started and finished.

No nodes info recorded and the method beforeNodeTriggered and afterNodeLeft
are not called in the class JPAWorkingMemoryDbLogger (debugging) like also
in a Mock class implementing the listener

public static AbstractAuditLogger newJPAInstance(Environment env) {

        return new JPAWorkingMemoryDbLogger(env);


public class MockProcessEventListener implements ProcessEventListener {

    public void beforeProcessStarted(ProcessStartedEvent
processStartedEvent) {

        System.out.println("MockProcessEventListener ::


Where can I investigate to verify that listener is working ?

Charles Moulliard
Apache Committer / Architect @RedHat
Twitter : @cmoulliard | Blog :  http://cmoulliard.github.io
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