[jbpm-users] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Converters saving problem

frantisek.kocun@gmail.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Dec 20 17:12:24 EST 2008

I know exactly where the problem is but I don't know the best way to solve it.

The problem is I have two JbpmConfigurations. It is ok that there is no current JbpmContex, when saving process instance by hibernate, because jbpmContext is closed and it uses default JbpmConfiguration which should have the same objectFactory. But it does't because context was created on another configuration. 

Why I have 2 JbpmConfigurations? First is created when hibernate is scanning classes for mapping. Class org.jbpm.job.Timer is persistent and it has static attribute:
static BusinessCalendar businessCalendar = new BusinessCalendar();

  | Constructor of BusinessCalendar look like this:
  |   public static synchronized Properties getBusinessCalendarProperties() {
  |     if (businessCalendarProperties==null) {
  |       String resource = JbpmConfiguration.Configs.getString("resource.business.calendar");
  |       businessCalendarProperties = ClassLoaderUtil.getProperties(resource);
  |     }
  |     return businessCalendarProperties;
  |   }
  |   public BusinessCalendar() {
  |     this(getBusinessCalendarProperties());
  |   }
So this creates first Configuration.

Second is created programmatically as a Spring bean and injected into JbpmTemplate.

  |     <!-- jBPM configuration -->
  |     <bean class="org.springmodules.workflow.jbpm31.LocalJbpmConfigurationFactoryBean" id="jbpmConfiguration">
  |     	<property name="sessionFactory" ref="sessionFactory"/>
  |     	<property name="configuration" value="classpath:jbpm.cfg.xml"/>
  |     	<property name="processDefinitionsResources">
  |     		<list>
  |     			<value>classpath:processDefinitions/FlowTest.xml</value>
  |     		</list>
  |     	</property>
  |     </bean>
  |     <!-- jBPM template -->
  |     <bean class="org.springmodules.workflow.jbpm31.JbpmTemplate" id="jbpmTemplate">
  |     	<property name="jbpmConfiguration">
  | 			<ref bean="jbpmConfiguration"/>
  | 		</property>	
  |     	<property name="hibernateTemplate">
  | 			<ref bean="hibernateTemplate"/>
  | 		</property>	
  |     </bean>
Problem is that this configuration is not in static map JbpmConfiguration.instances because it is created this way:

  | ObjectFactory jbpmObjectFactory;
  | 		// 1. create the configuration from the file
  | 		if (configuration != null) {
  | 			logger.info("creating JbpmConfiguration from resource " + configuration.getDescription());
  | 			InputStream stream = configuration.getInputStream();
  | 			jbpmObjectFactory = ObjectFactoryParser.parseInputStream(stream);
  | 			stream.close();
  | 		}
  | 		else
  | 			jbpmObjectFactory = objectFactory;
  | 		jbpmConfiguration = new JbpmConfiguration(jbpmObjectFactory);

So what should I do? I think this is wrong way and they should use JbpmConfiguration getInstance(String resource) to create configuration. Have anyone experience with spring module?

Thanks a lot


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