[jbpm-users] [JBoss jBPM] - Group Task Assignment proble- Unable to see task avalaible o

swatis do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Apr 13 06:34:08 EDT 2009


I'm using 3.2.3 version. I'm using group(testgroup) in task node assignment expression. I have 3 users in "testgroup" but I dont see this task is available to any of the user from group.

In pooledActor attibute I see group name but in personal /group task I am unable to see.  If I assign one of the user role and If I change assignment expression to group(testuser)-->member(mynewrole) then this task gets assigned to user and can see in personal task list. If I add same role to another user  then it gives delegationException.

I want this task to be visible on task list of all users from group.

Can anyone help me with that?

I tried using AssignmentHanlderClass. uses assignable.setPooledActors() here again in the pooledActor attribute Users list is available but I dont see task available on each of these user's personal task list.

Your help will be appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,

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