[jbpm-users] [JBoss jBPM] - Drools-fusion: Choice in Application?

cyphr do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Apr 27 04:35:20 EDT 2009

Wondering  if Drools (or Drools-fusion specifically) would be the right choice for my application:

I need to  analyze certain "facts" ( events coming from a log - with a fixed TimeStamp and other values) against a bunch of rules to detect or derive another complex event or an anomality.

it could be something as simple os counting the frequency of an event over a given time frame( measured by the TimeStamp in the logs).
Or it could be something more complex as stating that if a particular pattern of events are occuring, then xyz has to be derived from the basic events etc...

can i achieve this using drools-fusion? Is there anyplace i can get some documentation and examples on getting it running? a getting started guide sorta thing?


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