[jbpm-users] [JBoss jBPM] - task node does not have leaving transition

mitabhushan do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Feb 2 10:36:34 EST 2009

I have a jBPM Task with two tranisition

  | <task-node name="QuoteApproval" end-tasks="true">
  | 		<task name="QuoteApprove">
  | 			<description>
  | 				Approve/Reject the Quote
  | 			</description>
  | 			<assignment actor-id="#{inquireHome.instance.salesRepEmail}"/>
  | 		</task>
  | 		<transition to="CreateOrder" name="toCreateOrder"></transition>
  | 		<transition to="RejectedRequest" name="toRejectedRequest"></transition>
  | 	</task-node>

if I have a transition name mentioned on the EndTask I get an error "javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: task node does not have leaving transition 'toCreateOrder'".
It works fine when no transition name is mentioned.

Below code works fine

  | @EndTask
  |     public String updateQuote()
  |     {
  |          return "closeRequest";
  |     }
EndTask with Transition name doesnot work

  | @EndTask(transition="toCreateOrder")
  |     public String updateQuote()
  |     {
  |          return "closeRequest";
  |     }

Any Ideas!

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